March 21, 2011

The Beginning

Why am I doing this?  What's the purpose of the blog?

This blog is supposed to be thought-provoking.  You don't have to agree with everything I say, in fact, I would be surprised if you did.  This blog is supposed to give you advice, but at the very least help you examine what you're doing in worship as I examine what I'm doing in worship.

The main reason I created this blog was actually to leave behind all the knowledge I have gained in the past 6 years I have been leading worship.  This blog will hit a multitude of things: playing the guitar, the heart of worship, ways of worship, getting a team to work together, etc.  Hopefully there will be some videos and tutorials and links and lots of other stuff for you to access too.  I want this blog to be a gateway into the beautiful world of music and the privilege of leading God's beloved in singing His praises.

By all means, feel free to email me or comment on the blog if you have questions or believe I am wrong on something.  I would love for this to be something worth accessing, something worth plugging into, and for this to be a place where we share the adventure of discovering what it truly means to worship our God together.

1 Timothy 4:12

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